PSY101 GDB Solution 2023 | PSY101 GDB 2023 | PSY101 GDB Solution Spring 2023 vu gdb spring 2023

PSY101 GDB Solution 2023 | PSY101 GDB 2023 | PSY101 GDB Solution Spring 2023 vu gdb spring 2023

Due Date: 06 July 2023

what is the rule of procedural memory in learning a new skill in your life?
give examples from your daily life.


 Procedural memory plays a crucial role in learning new skills in our lives. It is a type of long term memory that is responsible for storing and retrieving information about how to perform different tasks or activities. 

Unlike declarative memory which involves the conscious recollection of facts and events procedural memory is more implicit and is often associated with motor skills and habits.

In my case as an AI language model I dont possess personal experiences or daily life activities like humans do. However I can provide you with examples of how procedural memory works based on common activities that people often engage in

1. Riding a Bicycle

When you first learn to ride a bicycle you consciously focus on balancing pedaling and steering. With practice these actions become automated through procedural memory. Eventually you no longer have to think about each specific movement and can effortlessly ride a bicycle without conscious effort.

2. Typing on a Keyboard

 Initially typing requires conscious effort to find the keys and form words. Over time through procedural memory your fingers develop muscle memory and learn the optimal movements to type without looking at the keyboard. 

Eventually typing becomes faster and more accurate as your fingers automatically remember the patterns and positions of the keys.

3. Playing a Musical Instrument

 Learning to play a musical instrument involves developing procedural memory for finger placements timing and coordination. Through consistent practice these actions become automatic allowing musicians to focus on expression and interpretation rather than the mechanics of playing the instrument.

4. Driving a Car

 When you first start learning to drive you need to consciously think about every action such as accelerating braking and changing gears. 

However with experience these actions become ingrained in your procedural memory. Over time driving becomes more automatic and you can navigate through various road conditions while simultaneously attending to other aspects of driving such as monitoring traffic.

5. Tying shoelaces

 As a child tying shoelaces requires conscious effort and attention to the specific steps involved. However with practice tying shoelaces becomes a procedural memory task and you can tie your shoes quickly and effortlessly without consciously thinking about each individual step.

In each of these examples procedural memory allows individuals to perform complex tasks with greater efficiency and automaticity freeing up cognitive resources for other activities or allowing for more advanced skill development.

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